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Guidelines for Selecting a Religious Institution

At the end of the semester, students make a 5-7 minute presentation to the class about how the VRI impacted your thinking, including a “before” and “after” analysis of your knowledge of this religion. See the VRI Presentation Rubric below for exact details on how to organize your presentation. 


Selecting an Institution: After researching the various religious institutions listed on this site, you are to select an institution to visit in order to conduct your research. You may not attend a religious institution that is affiliated with your own religious background. Please note that only four slots are available for each institution, and selection is on a first-come first-serve basis. Before your visit, be sure to capture your thoughts on this religion as you see it. If you have difficulty with transportation, you are required to let the professor know as soon as possible. The professor will consider accepting a request for a religious institution not found on this list ONLY if it represents one of the traditions studied in class. In some cases you may be assigned an institution by the professor.


The Form: Once you select an institution, you must fill out the VRI form and send to the professor via email. The form asks you to A) confirm that you clearly understand the rubrics for the presentation assignment, and to give the name of the institution you selected. B) The form must also include the date of your scheduled and confirmed (by the institution) visit; C) the person(s) with whom you will dialogue with during your visit; D) why you selected that religious institution. E) Students will also indicate their selected presentation date on this form. You must sign-up for a presentation slot on the presentation sign-up sheet. Students who do not sign-up by the due date of the VRI form will not be allowed to make a presentation).​​

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